8 October 2012

To the beach

We've been at the edge of the land.

Isn't my husband lucky to have grown up across the road from this? And note the lack of people at 10.30 on a sunny Sunday morning during the school holidays. (It's more crowded in summer, though.) You can just make out the surf lifesavers practicing out from the cone.

Funny how the children fall immediately into creating things from what they find on the sand. A yacht for Jack:

...which he set sailing in the water, then sprinted back so his new shoes didn't get wet. It sailed! The passionate little fella was thrilled.

A fairy castle for the little lady, complete with an elegant archway through which to enter the palace.

It was a lovely morning.

While I was at the coast I took a little photo series of something I have a fondness for: boardwalks through lovely natural places. Stay tuned - I'll post it tomorrow.

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