9 October 2012

On the boardwalk

I love boardwalks. They are attractive slices of nature (wood) beckoning us to stroll through a slice of nature.

These photos were taken in Tauranga and Mt Maunganui, New Zealand. (Locals will notice I missed the stunning boardwalk on the main beach - blame the windy weather last weekend.)

The park at the bottom of the road.
The path to somebody's front door. I've admired
it every one of the thousand times I've walked
or run past it.
Boardwalk along the estuary. This place always
reminds me of travelling by canoe through the Okavango
Delta, Botswana: deeply, incredibly peaceful.
Path up through the sand dunes at Omanu beach.
These pathways discourage people from wandering
randomly through the sand dunes, and the native
grasses seem to be thriving as a result.
Just a post at the top of the sand dunes. It
tickles my nature bone.

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