10 October 2012

Luscious food in the larder

Some friends of mine have just opened the Elizabeth Cafe and Larder in Tauranga, New Zealand. When I say 'just', I mean only a week ago! They've had a wildly successful first week, with queues out the door. (But fortunately not late on Saturday afternoon when we called in.)

Must be good, huh? When I took my first sip of the chai latte I ordered, I could tell why it's already popular. The chai was the best hot drink I've ever had! I wanted to drink it three times over. I don't think I could work or live close to there and resist making frequent trips for more.

The children each ate a giant slab of chocolate cake which my gluten-free mouth drooled for.

It looks great too. Here's some photos. The tiles are my favourite thing.

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