19 March 2013

Suitcase cleanup

On Sunday I had to find an old net curtain. Tomorrow I'll tell you why.

I know you're used to seeing beautiful photos around here. (Well, I hope you think they're beautiful.) So brace yourself. This is what the bottom of our linen cupboard looked like when I dived in to find those net curtains I'd taken down when we moved in.

A scary nook of the house indeed.

Most of it is clothes turned to rags that I just know will be useful one day...

Fortunately my mother had just given us two old suitcases, which I'd been wondering what to do with. So I sorted and placed, cutting out old zips and buttons as I went, thinking of one-day craft projects.

 This = me feeling pleased with myself.

That same evening I took a washing basket full of rags that I could bear to part with to the clothing bin down the road. That's a good thing about turning 40 - I don't feel strange about carrying a full washing basket along the foothpath.

Soon I noticed I was being tailed. It was by the owner of a tail - a big grey fluffy one. Our cat was coming too! Anna realised what was happening during her trampoline-powered leaps above the neighbour's fence (where she seems to spend every evening now) and caught up with us, delighted to join her grey friend on an adventure.

The three of us made a procession along the footpath. When Anna and I walked too fast, Duke meowed plaintively, but he kept coming. His bravery ended, however, when two cyclists came along in flourescent vests. His scaredy-catness took over and he turned on that fluffy grey tail and headed home at speed.

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