27 March 2013

Handmade felted slippers

I've been doing a bit of crafting again. One day last week I pushed aside all the other jobs I really should have been doing, and indulged.

I've been collecting old woollen jerseys for a while with the idea of felting them and turning them into cushions. That is why these slippers I made tone well with our lounge.

The sun pours into our living areas now autumn is here.
I'd felted the jerseys by washing them in a very hot wash, then putting them in a hot clothes dryer with some jeans. They turned into nice felted jerseys for midgets! Then they sat on the laundry floor for a week.

Finally I cut out the pattern - which I bought from here* - and sewed away. It took about three hours. It will be faster next time I hope, but this time around there was quite a bit of unpicking going on!

I made them for a dear friend as a birthday present.

I'm thrilled with them. The next pair I make will be for me!

*I pretty much stuck to the pattern's instructions. I ended up stitching the back of the cuffs together by hand, because the instructions seemed to leave them unattached. Next time I'd use a thinner jersey for the cuffs, because their thickness made them hard work.

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