20 January 2016

A summer visit to the Tree Church

If you live in Hamilton, or find yourself visiting here, I highly recommend a trip to the Tree Church. How beautiful it is!

Just a 10 or so minute drive from town out towards Ohaupo we turned into a property on a rural road - the type that you find plum stalls on - and indeed they were good plums.

The entrance gate to the church.

Up the driveway we came to the Tree Church. It was created by a man who loves to relocate mature trees, and who has traveled the world and taken note of the architecture of a lot of churches. He combined his passions by planting trees that are growing up and over a metal frame that one day won't need to be there, because the trees themselves will form the framework.

It is creative, immaculate, peaceful and enchanting, and we loved it.

It would be a magical place to have a wedding (although not cheap at $2-3,000). The bride would walk through this grove of trees. I think they are silver birches, but they are surreal ones. Does the owner polish the trunks, do you think? I've never seen such clean, tidy bark!

At the alter would stand the groom awaiting his bride. But it's not just any alter, it is a looming, impressive alter that seems ancient.

The guests, while deliciously shaded by the leafy roof, might notice the roses entwined in the trees around them. (If it rained they would need umbrellas.) 

The reception, or the first phase of it at least, would take place under this magnificent canopy.

The guests could also stroll in the surrounding gardens, which are also gorgeous.

Best of all, there are chickens there. I took no photographs of them though - I know, what was I thinking?

There are huge spreading trees with picnic tables under them, and visitors such as you and me (not wedding guests, I suppose) are encouraged to bring a picnic to eat in their shade. Visiting times are from October to May, Sundays and Tuesdays from 10-4 pm. Admission is $10 per person, although I think I overheard the girl at the till saying that it is $5 for children under 14. 

For up to date information, check their website: http://treechurch.co.nz/

Enjoy this fairytale place!


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