29 April 2015

Our beautiful New Zealand holiday

I've been absent from this blog, busy having school holidays with the children and working. I've been thinking of you though, especially when I take photos.

Here are a few lovely things we did over the break, making the most of the gorgeous autumn weather.

Family walk on Mount Maunganui beach
The diver to the right was diving in, climbing up and repeating.
He was truly reveling in the experience - wonderful!
The stunning Huka Falls near Taupo. We came to this view
 at the end of a beautiful hour of riverside walk. (Confession:
the children complained.)
Anna, aged 8, bakes cupcakes BY HERSELF!
Her Mama just admired her.
Always time for reading a Little House on the Prairie book,
and some simultaneous cat-loving. He is a darling, this cat of ours.
Check back soon - I have a post on bumblebees nearly bursting out of me! It will be about how to attract these loveable pollinators to your garden, and why you might want to. A teaser for Harry Potter enthusiasts: did you know that Dumbledore is old English for Bumblebee?

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