21 April 2014

Recipe for healthy chocolate

If all that Easter chocolate is feeling a wee bit unhealthy, try this recipe. I make it often and everyone adores it. I think it's as nice as real chocolate. It's more like fudge than chocolate, but I think it's a fine substitute. You'll be impressed, I promise.

I got it from the Homegrown Kitchen blog, and have modified it only very slightly. You definitely need a food processor for it. I usually make double this quantity.

Best of all, it's faster than anything else I know how to 'bake'.

Raw Mayan Chocolate Fudge

1 c dates
1 c raw cashews (I have successfully substituted some of the cashews for almonds)
1 c dessicated coconut
1/3 c cocoa powder
pinch salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla paste (or you can use 1 tsp vanilla essence)
zest and juice of one orange, tangelo or similar
2 Tbsp virgin coconut oil (the stuff that tastes and smells coconutty)

Soak the dates in boiling water for at least 10 minutes, then drain. Process cashews and coconut until they are finely ground. Add everything else, including the dates, and process some more until it's uniformly sludgy.

Press into a tin of some sort and refrigerate until firm.

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