24 February 2013

Living like you're dying

Last week I had the pleasure and sadness of attending a friend's funeral.

Old St Paul's church in the centre of Wellington.

Enormously sad, of course, because she was my friend, and I will never see her again. I wrote about my recent visit to her here.

Pleasure... what people I met. What things I was reminded of.

I met kind, wonderful people who were also her friends.

I was reminded, as I always am by death, of how to live life. Of the importance of being kind to people, and seizing all possible moments for wonder in every day life. Taking that walk, going on that picnic, meeting up with friends. My friend and her husband did all those things. They knew she was dying, and they absolutely made the most of every day.

Here are some photos of her 'things' (and her husband's). A tiny attempt to show her style and personality.

I love their driftwood 'no junk mail' sign. Expect
one on our letterbox one day soon!
A stone sculpture I'd helped them finish
 building last time I visited. My friend chose
the angle of each stone.

Their local Lyall Bay cafe. It oozes retro style. I think
New Zealand does cafe food really, really well. Everything's
full of flavour, creative and fresh from the kitchen.
A lighthouse I'd noticed during a walk
on my last visit. You can book it to stay in.
The wind whips in very strongly to Island Bay. Check out
this old toilet block.
The recently installed glass insert of their front
door. They designed it.
 My friend.

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