19 August 2012

Watching a kakapo

In two weeks we will be seeing a real kakapo! Sirocco is his name and mating is his game. Well, the game he's famous for, on Youtube - he tries to mate someone's head. It really is hilarious: you can view it here. If you haven't seen it, I guarantee it's worth it. It's short.

He's at Maungatautari, a fenced-off, predator-free 'mainland island', until late September. It's about 45 minutes (I think) south of Hamilton. Only a few of the tours are fully booked so far, but a letter to the Waikato Times yesterday by someone who'd visited him said it was unforgettable and unmissable.

A comment on his Maungatautari facebook page says:

"Incredible Sirocco on Wednesday - boy does he know that he is the star of the show.
Absolutely a MUST SEE for anyone who has ever given a sparrow a second glance!!"

I booked our tour virtually the day the bookings website went live. No way am I missing this opportunity! The rest of the family's coming whether they like it or not. I think they'll like it.

If you want to see him too, click here to learn more and book.

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